Tuesday, February 21, 2023

color use in film

    Color in film can convey feeling and message to the audience. For the two scenes in my film, we use two different color schemes in order to show these different feelings. 


    The home has tones of browns and neutrals, making the area feel comforting and homey. The blue clothing Ashley wears represents the honesty and integrity of the character. She is known as Kimberly's advice giver so it fits the roll. The pink clothing Nicole wears shows her romantic and delusional love for the love interest. Kimberly is a bubbly character who will often try to lighten the mood. These two colors play off each other, making these two character opposites, however, their dynamic balances them out.


    The field mostly has greens (from the grass and trees) and blue (from the sky). This creates a vibrant and happy feeling. The bright, yellow sun also adds to this. The love interest and Kimberly are wearing white clothing. This represents purity and innocence. They are happy and in love. Priest Pascal wearing black represents her prestige as a priest. Later, Priest Pascal wears a bright burger costume, creating an energetic feeling.

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