Monday, February 6, 2023

shooting- dream sequence scene

     Yesterday, I went to treetop park to film the dream sequence of the film. With the assistance of our fellow friends Bryanna, Anais, Malavika and Dylan, we were able to successfully film. Ashley had a professional camera, so we were able to use it. There is no dialogue for this scene, so the audio quality does not matter. In total, we did about 10-15 of the clips needed for our film. This may seem like very little, however this took us a long time to accomplish, about 5 hours to be exact. Below are some pictures we took of the process.

As shown here, Dylan is giving me flowers, while Bryanna films it and Ashley holds the towel in order to cover the sun.

Me and Dylan preparing for the picnic scene as Dylan pours the drink.

Us waiting to film.

The spinning clip.

Dylan "proposing" to me.

Me giving directions for the wedding scene.

Bryanna in the burger costume.

Group Picture!

All in all, it was a fun experience where I not only had to act, but also film.

We still need to film the house scenes. The date for this will be later determined.

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