Wednesday, August 24, 2022

different camera shots and angles

    For the past few day, we have learned different camera shots and angles. Today we were able to try and take some videos of our own. With the help of my friend, we made 5 videos. The different shots and angles I wanted to try were ground level, close up, insert shot, full shot, and medium shot. The videos I took are below.

 Ground Level- walking up the stairs

Close Up- smelling flowers

Insert Shot- leaves on a tree

Full Shot- walking in the garden

Medium Shot- on the phone

1 comment:

  1. Close up- I feel that the subject is content and happy as she gracefully smells the flowers because once she's done she begins to smile.
    Ground Level- The subject hesitates as she takes her first step signifying that she's nervous. This evokes a sense of uneasiness in me.


creative critical reflection