Tuesday, February 21, 2023

color use in film

    Color in film can convey feeling and message to the audience. For the two scenes in my film, we use two different color schemes in order to show these different feelings. 


    The home has tones of browns and neutrals, making the area feel comforting and homey. The blue clothing Ashley wears represents the honesty and integrity of the character. She is known as Kimberly's advice giver so it fits the roll. The pink clothing Nicole wears shows her romantic and delusional love for the love interest. Kimberly is a bubbly character who will often try to lighten the mood. These two colors play off each other, making these two character opposites, however, their dynamic balances them out.


    The field mostly has greens (from the grass and trees) and blue (from the sky). This creates a vibrant and happy feeling. The bright, yellow sun also adds to this. The love interest and Kimberly are wearing white clothing. This represents purity and innocence. They are happy and in love. Priest Pascal wearing black represents her prestige as a priest. Later, Priest Pascal wears a bright burger costume, creating an energetic feeling.

Monday, February 20, 2023

sound in film

During our film, there will be different kinds of music and noises playing, immersing you in the setting and scene. Let me start with the music.

For the home and dream scene, there is acoustic music playing made by our friend, Anais. We were originally planning on buying the rights to some songs that we found online, but they were way out of our budget, costing $40-$50 each. Instead, we just paid Anais $5, what a bargain! Even though they are played by the same instrument, they give off completely different vibes.


This music plays while Nicole and Dylan are frocking in the fields and being romantic (so imagine that as the song plays). This song that Anais made matches perfectly to this scene because of its montage feeling with that hint of romance. For this scene, I took inspiration from the montage in the beginning of the movie, UP, so looking for a song that represented that was very important for me because if it didn't, I would ruin the scene.


This is the first song you hear when the movie starts, the first shot shows how its coming from a record player, and it plays as Nicole and Ashley talk in the background (so imagine that as you listen to the song). When telling Anais what song to make for this scene, I told her to make it have an indie and chill vibe. I did this because I wanted this song to represent the layback feeling of the scene.

As for the other scenes (home scene 2 and home scene night), there is no music playing, but in these scenes, they are done for 2 different reasons. In home scene 2, no music was playing to represent the annoyance Ashley had for Nicole not listening to her speaking, plus they were about to watch a movie, and you can't focus on both at the same time. And for the home scene night, no music represents that Ashley is alone in her living room, and the hangout is over. Next, I am going to briefly cover the sound effects.

For all the house scenes, we used room tone because no sound effects were needed and the sounds that are heard are self-explanatory, but for the dream sequence I used many different sound effects (shown and explained below.

Played when Ashley woke me up; represents the daydream getting weird

Played when Ashley ran up to wake Nicole up in her daydream

Played when Nicole doses off; represents Nicole officially not listening to Ashley

Played when Nicole and Dylan hear Ashley coming; elaborates on Nicole and Dylan's shock.

And finally, when the title comes up, I put a dramatic sound effect to add emphasis to the title. This sound being so different from the rest really makes the title stand out.

As you can see in the videos, I got these sound effects from various videos on YouTube.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

shooting- home: challenges

 While filming our home scene, we faced a few challenges. One of them being what outfit I was going to wear. I brought a few different outfits to see what I would wear, this took a while. Additionally, the room we filmed in was a little cramped, making it difficult to do some clips. There was also some lighting issues where it sometimes came out too bright or too dark. We had to also change the way we establish the scene because of how the camera shook. An example of this is below.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

shooting- home scenes

 Today, we filmed our home scene for the film. Since Vivien was unable to attend, we used help from our friend and actor for Priest Pascal, Bryanna and she filmed. We again used Ashley's camera in order to film. The sound quality on this camera was good and crisp. In total, we did around 8-10 clips for the home scenes. These scenes did not take as long as the field scene, only taking about 2 hours. Below are some pictures from this day.

Shows off what Nicole and Ashley are doing in the hangout they are having.

Ashley waking Nicole up from her daydream
Establishing shot

Monday, February 6, 2023

shooting- dream sequence scene: challenges

 Even though it was mostly simple to film this scene, we still faced some challenges while filming. One of these being the weather. Earlier in the day, it was raining really hard, so by the time we got there, the grass was still a little wet and muddy. When we got there, the sun came out and it was hot outside, making us sweat. Towards the end of filming, it was starting to rain again, so we had to rush to finish. Additionally, there were many ants and we got bug bites from them. There were also many people. We wanted to film on a bench but different people beat us to it, and we were not able to use it. People also kept on walking on the bridge, so we had to move so they could walk through.

We also had to reshoot shots. Below are some bloopers.

We could not open a glass bottle, so we had to ask someone to help us open it. Here is a video of us going to ask.

shooting- dream sequence scene

     Yesterday, I went to treetop park to film the dream sequence of the film. With the assistance of our fellow friends Bryanna, Anais, Malavika and Dylan, we were able to successfully film. Ashley had a professional camera, so we were able to use it. There is no dialogue for this scene, so the audio quality does not matter. In total, we did about 10-15 of the clips needed for our film. This may seem like very little, however this took us a long time to accomplish, about 5 hours to be exact. Below are some pictures we took of the process.

As shown here, Dylan is giving me flowers, while Bryanna films it and Ashley holds the towel in order to cover the sun.

Me and Dylan preparing for the picnic scene as Dylan pours the drink.

Us waiting to film.

The spinning clip.

Dylan "proposing" to me.

Me giving directions for the wedding scene.

Bryanna in the burger costume.

Group Picture!

All in all, it was a fun experience where I not only had to act, but also film.

We still need to film the house scenes. The date for this will be later determined.

creative critical reflection
