Monday, March 13, 2023


For the dream, home, and home 2, natural lighting is used. However, during the home night scene, practical lighting was used. Why was that? Today, I will explain why we chose this and what effect is creates/ evokes.

Let me begin with home scenes. One reason why we chose natural lighting is because of the location. We filmed at Ashley's house, in her living room, and to the left are these big floor-to-ceiling sliding doors, so no other type of lighting was needed. If we were to add more lighting, it would be too bright and unnecessary. Additionally, the natural lighting adds to the chill, relaxed feeling of the scenes. The lighting also adds to the feeling that Ashley and Nicole are close to each other and feel comfortable with one another. It's not like it's super bright though, since it is dim natural lighting, it feels calmer.

Next, the dream sequence. Yes, this is natural lighting, but it is so much brighter than the home scenes. That is because we filmed outside, right under the sun. This bright natural lighting makes the scene feel energetic and playful. The way the sun brings out the white in Nicole and Dylan's outfits really adds to the bridal feeling. Like the home scene, this natural lighting is perfect, and adding extra lighting would be unneeded because it is already bright. If we were to add more light, it would be too bright. For this scene, I put a filter called Dark Brown (from CapCut) to add to that dreamy, euphoric feeling. I took inspiration from the lighting in the Twilight movies. This makes the scene a little dimmer, but you can still tell it is bright, much brighter than the home scenes.

When it came to filming these 3 scenes, it became a race with the clock to film because the sun is only out for such a period of time, so we had to rush in filming some scenes.

And finally, the night home scene uses practical lighting, coming from the ceiling lights Ashley has in her house. The reason why lighting was needed was because we filmed in the nighttime, unlike the other scenes that were filmed during the day. If we were to use something like a studio light, it would not have the same, homey vibe the practical lighting gives it. And obliviously, if we had no lighting, you wouldn't be able to see anything. 

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creative critical reflection